Category:Metrosophy en
What too much time as a freelancer and tinder have in common
Why too much time as a freelancer can quickly become a curse, and what all this has to do with dating apps.
About Love Part IV: The more you want it, the more it slips away
Why we need to separate love from solely positive emotions. How conflict can strengthen bonds if done right, and where to draw the line.
About Love Part 3: White lies
This time we take a deep dive into white lies and why they influence your relationships, how they can turn toxic and how to...
How perfectionism slows you down and why you should make mistakes
When fear of failure is disguised as perfectionism, what that means, how best to deal with it and why gut feelings can be wrong.
About Love Part 2: The love-Addiction
This is not going to be the answer about what love is but it's be my take on it. Backed from various theories and...
The thing about love
This is not going to be the answer about what love is but it's be my take on it. Backed form various theories and...
A dangerous discussion culture
About a dangerous change in our discussion-culture happening on social media and originating from america. The reasons for it and what it might develope...
Book Review “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck”
About Mark Manson self-improvement-book in disguise, what you can expect from it and if you should read it or not. May contain a lot...
My involuntary Pick-up lesson at two in the morning
About random encounters, missing improvisation, a long walk in the early morning hours and guys who believe in pick-up-academies to get girls.
The political influence of Twitch
About the political influence Twitch has on young gamers, the pros and cons of this developement and an Interview with the professional streamer Destiny.