

SED-CARD Bilder geschoßen von Daniel Schubert dem Fotografen aus Müchen und dem Model Jasmin H..

About light: Using the mid-sun as a portrait photographer

Shooting in mid-sun can be pretty scary and off-putting for portrait photographers. But no more! About harsh sunlight in your portraits.

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Fotos von dem Model und Personal Trainer Kpaoul in München nahe der Tonnenhalle. Portraits geschoßen während eines Portfolio-Shootings von dem Fotografen Daniel Schubert aka Steins Pictures.

Using the manual mode

A introduction to the manual mode, why you should learn it, which possibilities are opening up from mastering it and advices for starting out.

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Bild für einen Blogartikel zum Thema Bildkomposition, manueller Modus und das framing eines Fotos.

Composition in portrait photography

An introduction to composition in photography, technical aspects of the golden ratio and framing with examples.

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Portrait shooting zwischen dem Fotografen Daniel Schubert aus München und dem Model Anna vom Chiemsee.

How to shoot amazing available light Portraits with paper

Simple photographer guide on how you can create amazing portraits, with just colored paper, a large window and your camera on a cloudy day.

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