

Ausschnitte aus dem Portraitshooting mit dem Münchner Portraitfotograf Daniel Schubert im Auftrag der KünstlerIn Anna Stenger für Ihre Website und social media.

Turning a passion into a job, Part I Hardskills

What do I need if I want to become self-employed, as a photographer or freelancer in the creative industry? Part 1: The know-how.

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First steps on a journey to become a Photographer

An update about my life, how starting a solo business change my past year and why I’m reviving this Blog.

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Fotos von dem Model und Personal Trainer Kpaoul in München nahe der Tonnenhalle. Portraits geschoßen während eines Portfolio-Shootings von dem Fotografen Daniel Schubert aka Steins Pictures.

Book Review “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck”

About Mark Manson self-improvement-book in disguise, what you can expect from it and if you should read it or not. May contain a lot of swearing.

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